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Lakeland Canoe Club

Roy Garriock

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About Roy Garriock

  • Birthday 12/14/1961

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  • Interests
    Director www.comekayaking.co.uk
    British Canoe Slalom Team 1984
    BCU Level 4 kayak coach
    BCU Level 3 Canoe coach
    BCU Level 2 Slalom coach
    FSRT provider
    SESA award

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Advanced Member

Advanced Member (3/3)



  1. until

    Hi sorry I am too sick to attend this event. Roy G
  2. Where do you think you will be going ?
  3. until

    Sue Garriock coming as a guest.
  4. Where is this land activity going to be. And why is it limited to 6 ?
  5. until

    I would like to go. I was told last time we were at Skelsmergh there was no limit. Roy Garriock
  6. If its park and play I would like to come along for an hour or so. Roy Garriock
  7. until

    Looks like my sister Sue will be coming too.
  8. until

    Hi can I bring a non member guest ? Sue Garriock ?
  9. until

    If its pouring with rain im not coming.
  10. Sorry this did not happen, too much water to be able to make the eddys. I will put this on again. Roy
  11. Slalom skills on the Leven Gates under the A590 . Grade 1 to 4 BE COVID AWARE PEER trip 0. event co-ordinator. Roy Garriock 1. Trip type: river 2. Level of ability : intermediate / advanced 3. Date: 22/12/20 4. Venue : River Leven slalom site under the A590 . Park in layby. https://goo.gl/maps/TYKTnPJ9dNbDwat7A 5. Meet location / time : 11am to 2pm 6. Meet to share lifts at: Park & Play 7. Anything else: Skill levels depend on river levels. The river is likely to be high, so you will need a sound set of river paddling skills and good roll. Please read notes re river trips here: https://lakelandcanoeclub.wordpress.com/trips/ RSVP at least 2 days before the event Guests by arrangement with organiser, prior to trip only.
  12. Where are we going ??
  13. Do I park in the Rugby club car park. Where is the container ? Roy
  14. Great I am interested but why is there nothing on the club website forum for 2016 ?
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