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Lakeland Canoe Club

Sally Coleman

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Advanced Member (3/3)



  1. until

    Sorry, have had to cancel so space available for 1st reserve Shaw Brown
  2. until

    Bringing SK
  3. If anyone is coming from Penrith/Carlisle area & wants to lift share, please post
  4. I was a reserve but have withdrawn as paddling at Lancaster the following day
  5. Sorry, have cancelled as I can no longer make this trip
  6. Next reserve please
  7. until

    Anyone from Penrith area want to share a lift? I'm happy to drive. Please pm me if interested or post here
  8. Sorry, I've had to drop out due to unforeseen family commitments
  9. Please can I be a reserve? Thanks
  10. until

    Please can I be a reserve? Thanks
  11. until

    Would it be OK if my husband Andrew came along too please? We might even persuade him to join the club.....
  12. I can no longer make this date. Please remove me from reserve list. Thanks
  13. May I reserve please in case anyone has to cancel. Thanks
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