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Lakeland Canoe Club

River Kent Clean Up


Phil Clayton
   (0 reviews)
LCC Improver Open boat trip

Event details

This is an opportunity for members to put something back into the local community....by removing rubbish from the River Kent!

Details will be confirmed once we know how many people are available to help, but the basics;

  1. Meet at the Riverside kiosk at 11:00am. Cars can be parked in Kirkby Kendal School car park if you want to shuttle back up
  2. Collect gloves, bags and sanitiser.
  3. Make your way down the river collecting rubbish as you can. (On foot, by kayak, by canoe).
  4. Meet at (tbc) to bag all the rubbish, take photos, and bask in our success.

N.B. If you would like to clean up a different stretch of River, or do a different time, or even a different day, that's absolutely fine; it's about doing good, and getting publicity for the cause, so if you have better ideas, please speak to Phil Clayton, (0785 0202405)


Change of date!

We have brought forward the clean-up to join the Clean River Kent Campaign's clean up. 

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