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Lakeland Canoe Club

Stephen Blackwell

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  1. I'll bring a mamba and juice and 2 different paddles!
  2. Any idea of start time?
  3. until

    Can you put me on the waiting list?
  4. Interested in something like this but can't make tomorrow.
  5. I think I fit the profile and have been on these trips before..but on my last improver to intermediate trip I was told I should have a bomb proof roll which I don't. I can roll but certainly not bombproof...what do you think?
  6. The Lancaster contingent are running a bit late ETA 10.10. Sorry.
  7. In order to give you some notice. I've just watched the forecast and have decided to give it a miss, which is a shame. However I have just done it Sunday but would have appreciated another shot. Sorry. Hope you have a good day. Stephen.
  8. I'll also watch the weather for tomorrow and if it looks bad I may have to pull out. Will this be a problem, that is to drop out at the last minute?
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