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Lakeland Canoe Club


Events happening today

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    03 December 2022 12:30 PM      03:00 PM

    This skills development session is aimed at people who are looking to become competent on Grade 2 and want to learn how to paddle with good technique. 
    These sessions are for Kayaks only. There will be two leaders and three participants with a focus on more individualised learning, with a chance to ask questions and get answers.
    1. Event coordinator: Mark Webster
    2. Trip Leaders: Mike Sunderland and Mark Webster
    3. Trip type: Park and Play- safe river conditions G2.
    4. Level of Ability: Aspiring Improver, with basic skills and interest in White Water.
    5. Date: 03/12/2022
    6. Venue/Meet/Share Lifts:  12:30 meet at Killington New Bridge (take out for classic Lune section). Parking on the road.
    7. We will co-ordinate on WhatsApp the day before. No rain is forecast so levels will be low. 
    8. Anything else: This is focused on practice and repetition to get your skills dialled in. 
    Bring a Warm Flask  and snacks to keep your energy up.
    Please read notes regarding river trips here …….
    I am happy to co-ordinate and lead the trip. However, as we will be a team, we are jointly responsible for each other’s safety on the water.
    Please ensure you carry the correct kit for the trip you are attending. We can discuss any questions about the kit required and/or alternatively…….
    There is a link at the bottom of the page for Kit. There are other useful links, all of which are recommended reading.
    If you need any kit please let me know in advance and we can arrange from Killington Lake lock up (Cumbria Canoeists)
    Dry suits preferred - in summer it might be possible to manage without a dry suit, but in winter an early dip has more severe consequences for the individual concerned and the rest of the group.
    Kayak specific helmets with protection over temples and ears must be worn on theses trips. Something like a Sweet Rocker as oppose to a Sweet Strutter - over brands are available
    Details can be found here…….
    The club does have a number of kayak specific helmets available for hire

    Could I also draw your attention to …….

    Event details

    LCC Improvers River Trips 0 Comments

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