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Lakeland Canoe Club


Events happening today

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    17 December 2022 10:00 AM      03:00 PM

    Saturday 17th 08:30 Due to the weather and expected road conditions around Brown Howe this trip is postponed to Saturday 31st December. Fingers crossed for better conditions.
    Trip going ahead as planned, meet at Brown Howe 10:00. Weather is not as nice as I hoped but looking ok. Wind f2-f3 South Westerly becoming more Southerly as the day goes on, temperature forecast to be around 2C with the possibility of a small amount of rain. Dress warm.
    Everybody on the list has been added to a WhatsApp group just in case there are travel problems in the morning.
    Xmas flat water paddle 2022 will be Coniston Water from Brown Howe
    Santa hats etc and festive adornment desirable.
    1. Event co-ordinator Sten Sture
    2. Trip Leader leader Sten Sture + hopefully others
    3. Trip type: Lake
    4. Level of ability : All
    5. Date: Saturday 17th December
    6. Venue : Coniston Water
    7. Meet location / time : 10:00 Brown Howe Car Park http://streetmap.co.uk/map?X=329140&Y=491147&A=Y&Z=120
    This is a pay and display car park ( not sure about the rates ) there is free parking in laybys on the lake side of the A5084 just North of the carpark, if you prefer.
    8. Meet to share lifts at: Share lifts if you can
    9. Anything else: 
    The Aim is to have a social paddle.
    Any Boats and any ability welcome. We will decide on the day which direction, and how far to paddle based on the conditions and participants. A plan might be to take a tour around the South End of the Lake down to Allen Tarn and then a visit to Peel Island around 5km, we could do more.
    Dress up warm.
    Trip should be around 3 hours, bring lunch and hot drink.
    We should be able to do something but the trip may be cancelled if there is severe weather.
    Check here from 18:00 on Friday 16th for confirmation that thr trip is running and any updates.
    Please read notes re  trips here:
    I am happy to co-ordinate and lead the trip. However, as we will be a team, we are jointly responsible for each other’s safety on the water.
    Please ensure you carry the correct kit for the trip you are attending.
    RSVP at least 2 days before the event
    Guests by arrangement with organiser, prior to trip only.

    Event details

    LCC Flat Water / Lake Trips 0 Comments

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