After the success of last year's programme, we are again running a series of social evenings at the Factory Tap, Kendal.
They will be the second Wednesday of every month, actual dates as below.
These will include a talk or presentation on a paddlesport-related topic, and the chance to chat and drink beer until your wallet or liver rebels.
The dates are fixed, but the content may change a little; at present the running order is;
13 Nov, Mike Sunderland - Paddling the Grand Canyon of the Colorado river, 1980 & 1990
11 Dec, Phil Haddon - Sailing to South Georgia
15 Jan, Mike Hayward - Open boating in Mongolia
12 Feb, Andy's Lands End to John O'Groats sea kayak trip
11 March Film Festival highlights and out-takes
There is NO CHARGE for club members. Guests are very welcome, (especailly if they make a voluntary donation to club funds!).
If anyone would like to volunteer to do a presentation, please contact Phil Clayton, (0785 0202405).