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Lakeland Canoe Club


Events happening today

  1. 9

    13 May 2023 09:00 AM

    Park and Practice
    River Leven Below the Slalom Course
    Parking in layby on the Northside of the carriageway, just before the bridge when travelling from Barrow to Kendal.
    When travelling form Kendal, I usually turn round at the Backbarrow junction and go back to the layback.
    It is a very busy, fast road - please be careful
    Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/bDsnv4Cc2GXRahvx5
    Street Maps: https://www.streetmap.co.uk/map?x=335330&y=484303&z=120&sv=335330,484303&st=4&ar=Y,y&mapp=map&searchp=ids&dn=757&ax=335330&ay=484303&lm=0
    Open to all levels of ability for these  paddling sessions
    Practice in play boats, practice in river boats, try rolling, anything you want
    No direct coaching but I would envisage everybody working together and learning from each other.
    1. Event coordinator: Brian Clough
    2. Trip Leader: Brian Clough
    3. Trip type: Park and Practice on Flat Water
    4. Level of Ability: Must be self reliant to a degree, prepared to work with others and practice without individual direct supervision
    5. Date: 13/05/2023
    6. Venue: River Leven Below of the Slalom Course
    7. Meet:  Meet at 10:00
    8. Anything else:
    Park and play session and the water is very accessible and so people could dip in and dip out, I will be there for 10:00, people could arrive later and choose when they wish to leave.
    I am happy to co-ordinate and lead the session. However, as a group, we are jointly responsible for each other’s safety on the water. Park and Practice in warmish water so wear feel appropriate.
    PFD and Kayak specific helmets still required
    I will try and put these sessions on a regular basis but welcome feedback on frequency, location and time

    Event details

    LCC Improvers River Trips 2 Comments

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