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Lakeland Canoe Club


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    12 December 2022 08:30 PM      09:30 PM

    This is a skills session is for all kayakers including seakayakers
    The plan is as follows:
    You can bring your own boat if you like If seakayaker, bring own clean seakayak and gear through side door near grass straight in to pool, best to park at back of Leisure Centre Club seakayak available for use, with spraydeck, paddle and buoyancy aid, pls contact John Speakman Please add a comment if you are bringing a seakayak so we can gauge numbers and open side door for you Up to 14 paddlers on water (plus coaches) £8 each, to cover pool costs, £2 extra for non-members Please reserve your spot via our Calendar and pay in advance via BACS to Lakeland Canoe Club, Sort Code 20 45 28, Account 80558613, ref P12Dec22 Please pay when you reserve; we want to avoid money exchange on the night More coaches welcome, please add a note if willing to coach.

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    LCC Pool Skills Sessions 2 Comments

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