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    15 December 2018

    A "follow on" river for beginners, those who have been enjoying the intoduction sessions or indeed anybody who wants to come along.
    1. Grade 2 river section: Lune - Rigmaden Bridge to Kirby Lonsdale.
    An oppertunity to run a section of a very pretty river not really seen from anywhere else except the river. Lots of nice features, eddies and gradually building to a Grade II+ rapid. Am I selling it to you?
    2. Saturday 15th Decemeber.
    3. Meet 10.00 a.m. at the take out: car park adjacent to Devil's Bridge, on the Kirkby Lonsdale side if possible.

    4. Please  have your own kit including especially a River Buoyancy Aid and Helmet.
    E-mail me or leave a message if you are struggling for river kit - I have some spares
    5. I will check water levels / sort out lifts the night before.
    6. Trip should go ahead, the river will take most water levels but will check the night before an take into account any preferences of those paddling.
    7. Please ensure the trip co-ordinator knows you plan to attend, and has your mobile number.
    8. Trip leader Brain Clough.
     3 sessions open to all. 15th Dec,  20th Jan, 24th Feb,  ( dates may be rearranged if weather/ water levels unsuitable)
    Aim is to offer a gentle introduction to the skills needed to join a river trip. Instruction/ coaching included.
    These session will be a valuable learning opportunity, to gain confidence; for those with limited river experienced, improvers with a few rivers in the bag, as a refresher for those returning to rivers or to hone skills.
    Minimum requirement is ability to control your kayak accurately and confidently on flat water. Warm clothing essential and ability to smile in the event of a capsize.
    The session will be lead by club members who are seeking their 4 * leaders award , supported by more a more experienced paddler.
    Your own kit is best but we may be able top arrange  to borrow if necessary.

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    LCC Improver Open boat trip 2 Comments · 0 Reviews

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