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Lakeland Canoe Club

Peter crompton

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  1. Count me in please Graeme
  2. Peter. Confirming. Kayak.
  3. As Tom has joined as another leader , perhaps I am already “IN” please advise and at me to the wattsapp group if ok
  4. Can I put myself down as reserve please peter
  5. Yes would like to join you on 24th. I will await location details. peter
  6. If Simon can’t make it, could I take the last place? peter 07745659704
  7. Hello Mike S please could I take the place made available by Sally dropping out. Thanks both
  8. until

    hi Eric I have logged on to the site and would like to book onto the trip on the 13th and 21st. The RSVP button is not interactive. And/but it says that you are the only participant so far. If poss can you book me on. I will try again later.
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