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Lakeland Canoe Club

Border Kayaks - Wavesport Demo Day - Morning

Brian Clough
   (0 reviews)
LCC Improver Open boat trip

Event details

Border Kayaks have kindly organised the use of Wavesports' demo fleet. This includes the Phoenix, their premier creek boat,  a full range of Diesels, which are general purpose river runners, a full range of Project X playboats and a selection of Fuse river play.

The day will be held at the Leven.

Anthony has the following boats in the demo fleet

Wave Sport Diesel 60 Whiteout
Wave Sport Diesel 70 Whiteout
Wave Sport Diesel 80 Whiteout
Wave Sport Fuse 35 (junior boat)
Wave Sport Fuse 48
Wave Sport Fuse 56
Wave Sport Project X 48
Wave Sport Project X 56
Wave Sport Project X 64
Wave Sport Phoenix
And if needed i can get hold of the Wave sport Ethos 9 & 10

Covid regs etc mean that groups are limited to six, so including Anthony five places are available for each session.

It will depend on numbers but we thought we could run two session each day, one on Thursday and more on Saturday.


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