From 2nd December. The rule of 6 will once again apply to meeting outdoors - for recreational paddling with friends and family, and for groups of coaching and leader ratios of 1:5.
PEER trip Organiser : Rob Gregory
All those attending please check the level of equipment and personal gear required ahead of the day (see our website if not sure), any queries please mention on the whats app group.
1. Trip type : River Tees Barnard Castle - Winston ( put in below Abbey Rapids )
2. Level of ability : Intermediate: aiming for Grade 3 able to manoeuvre canoe and self rescue boat.
3. Date : 20/1/2021
4. Venue : TBC, by Wednesday morning 8am.
5. Trip may be cancelled or rearranged at short notice depending upon weather, and the preferences of those paddling.
6. Meet to share lifts at : No lift share due to Covid-19
7. Weather :completely water and circumstance dependant
8. Anything else : Running shuttles with mitigation, so please bring your own face covering or organise your own shuttle.