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Lakeland Canoe Club

Improvers River Trip - Paddle Strokes

Event details

From 2nd December. The rule of 6 will once again apply to meeting outdoors - for recreational paddling with friends and family, and for groups of coaching and leader ratios of 1:5.


Official trip

Do you know your draw stroke from your stern rudder? Have you perfected your hanging draw ? We fall into the habit of using the stroke that works, without working out why those other strokes don't.  We'll look at a variety of strokes on flat water. We'll then take them to a short white water run and see how they feel.  If you want to do some reading/watching in advance, check out Eric Jackson (EJ) on Youtube, or his book "Whitewater Paddling: Strokes and concepts"

Leader Mike Hayward

1. Trip type : River

2. Level of ability : Improver (please leave spaces for improvers).

3. Date : 12/12/2020

4. Venue : River Lune Insufficient rain has fallen for Duddon to be a viable option. 

5. Meet location / time : 10.00am Rigmaden bridge.   https://www.streetmap.co.uk/map.srf?x=361684&y=484897&z=120&sv=361684,484897&st=4&ar=y&mapp=map.srf&searchp=ids.srf&dn=524&ax=361684&ay=484897&lm=0

6. Meet to share lifts at : No lift share due to Covid-19.

7. Anything else : Running shuttles with mitigation, so please bring your own face covering or organise your own shuttle.

Please make sure you've read the club's (and British Canoeing) guidance regarding kayaking and Covid-19.  Please read notes re river trips here: https://lakelandcanoeclub.wordpress.com/trips/


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