From 2nd December. The rule of 6 will once again apply to meeting outdoors - for recreational paddling with friends and family, and for groups of coaching and leader ratios of 1:5.
Official trip
Do you know your draw stroke from your stern rudder? Have you perfected your hanging draw ? We fall into the habit of using the stroke that works, without working out why those other strokes don't. We'll look at a variety of strokes on flat water. We'll then take them to a short white water run and see how they feel. If you want to do some reading/watching in advance, check out Eric Jackson (EJ) on Youtube, or his book "Whitewater Paddling: Strokes and concepts"
Leader Mike Hayward
1. Trip type : River
2. Level of ability : Improver (please leave spaces for improvers).
3. Date : 12/12/2020
4. Venue : River LuneInsufficient rain has fallen for Duddon to be a viable option.