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Lakeland Canoe Club

Easy river trip. - River Ure, Wensley to Masham

Event details


Reluctantly this trip is CANCELLED.

Current rainfall and forecast for Saturday would make this far from an Easy Rivers trip.


1. Trip type : Easy River (Open boats or river kayaks) - The plan is to explore the River Ure in a couple of trips. The first is Wensley to Masham; about 25 K of Grade 1/2 with one Grade 3 rapid (Squirrel Bank; portageable)
A shorter alternative might be to stop at the bridge above Squirrel Bank (192 860).

2. Level of ability : Improver or better. 

3. Date : 31/10/2020

4. Venue : Middleham Bridge 119 888, south of Leyburn. 

5. Meet location / time : 10.00am

6. Meet to share lifts at : No lift share due to Covid-19.

7. Weather : We need at least a little bit of water, and not a lot of wind and no further lockdowns!

8. Anything else : Running shuttles with mitigation, so please bring your own face covering. Trip will be lead by Mike Sunderland

Please make sure you've read the club's (and British Canoeing) guidance regarding canoeing and Covid-19.  Please read notes re river trips here: https://lakelandcanoeclub.wordpress.com/trips/

Edited by EricD
Trip cancelled due to conditions

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