Current rainfall and forecast for Saturday would make this far from an Easy Rivers trip.
1. Trip type : Easy River (Open boats or river kayaks)- The plan is to explore the River Ure in a couple of trips. The first is Wensley to Masham; about 25 K of Grade 1/2 with one Grade 3 rapid (Squirrel Bank; portageable)
A shorter alternative might be to stop at the bridge above Squirrel Bank (192 860).
2. Level of ability : Improver or better.
3. Date : 31/10/2020
4. Venue : Middleham Bridge 119 888, south of Leyburn.
5. Meet location / time : 10.00am
6. Meet to share lifts at : No lift share due to Covid-19.
7. Weather : We need at least a little bit of water, and not a lot of wind and no further lockdowns!
8. Anything else : Running shuttles with mitigation, so please bring your own face covering. Trip will be lead by Mike Sunderland