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Lakeland Canoe Club

Social paddle Killington Lake. (2 of 4)

Mike Hayward
   (0 reviews)
LCC Improver Open boat trip

Event details

All welcome in any craft.

6.30  til dusk.       ( or join in later if you can't arrive by 6.30)

Meet at Killington lake. http://www.streetmap.co.uk/map.srf?x=359269&y=490815&z=120&sv=359269,490815&st=4&ar=y&mapp=map.srf&searchp=ids.srf&dn=816&ax=359269&ay=490815&lm=0


LCC are inviting non members to join us, on our Wednesday evening club session at Killington lake. So please bring your friends. colleagues, family.

Whether you’re a bit rusty or never paddled before we can get you paddling.

Bring your own kayak/canoe or hire at £10 per session. Kayaks hired with paddles, buoyancy aid, helmet, spray decks and come with expert coaching. So all you need to bring warm clothing a waterproof and a smile.

 If you want to have a go at another type of paddlesport coaching and boat hire is available as follows:

Wk 1 - April 10 - Introduction to open canoe.

Wk 2 - April 17 - Introduction to sea kayak.

Wk 3 - April 24 - Introduction to river kayaks.

Wk 4 - May 1st  development of chosen craft.

Members  - RSVP 

Non Members - £10 for 4 sessions ( redeemable against subsequent membership)

To book a place, on one or more sessions or for more information email  Lakeland Canoe Club at lakelandcanoeclub@gmail.com

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