4. Other notes - under 18 by prior arrangement only please email trip leader.
5. Must have your own kit including especially a River Buoyancy Aid and Helmet.
E-mail me or leave a message if you are struggling for river kit - I have some spares -maybe even stretch to a boat and paddle.
6. Check water levels / sort out lifts the night before.
7. Trips may be cancelled or rearranged at short notice depending upon weather, and the preferences of those paddling.
8. To avoid a wasted journey, please ensure the trip co-ordinator knows you plan to attend, and has your mobile number.
9."Trip Coordinator" Brain Clough
All systems GO - meet tomorrow as arranged
However it is going to be way out of White Water Leader in Moderate Water Remit - it is a peer lead trip - no official leader
Water levels are going to move the day from Moderate to Advanced Water.
Have a careful think about your competency and consider - if you do take a swim it could be potentially a very, very long one in a very full and fast moving river, through some very big waves.