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Lakeland Canoe Club


Event details


It looks like a reasonable amount of rain through the night tonight - in the Pennines, east of the Lakes. Ideally I'd like to paddle a lesser paddled river such as the Upper Swale (continuous gd3.) or other. There may not be enough rain? But if there is, the very top Cover is another hot contender. If spate doesn't happen, a fall back might be Upper Rawthey or Ribble etc. I'm not looking for anything too hairy as I reintroduce myself to harder WW.

Whilst I’m looking at potentially gd. 2/3 and possibly 4, these spate rivers require sharp paddling skills at the grade. Plenty of unknowns, including fallen trees, demand the ability to run long, continuous sections often without inspection. You must be able to hit small eddies and play a strong part within the team. The trip is therefore advertised as 'Advanced'.

1. Event co-ordinator & Leader - Pete Riley

2. Trip type: Spate river grade 2 / 3 continuous. Possibly gd4 sections.

3. Level of ability:  Very competent grade 3 - see above.

4. Date: Thursday 2nd Nov.

5. Venue & Meet & Lift Sharing Locations: TBC - depends on water & group, to be determined 0800hrs at on the day of paddling.

6. Anything else:

  • I am happy to co-ordinate and lead the trip. However, as we will be a team, we are jointly responsible for each other’s safety on the water.  
  • WW kayaks only.
  • RSVP limit of 5, but I'll consider increasing if the team strength allows splitting into 2 sub groups.

Please read notes re river trips here: Whitewater Safety , which gives useful information on: Important KitRiver SignalsWhitewater Safety Skills Helmets

Ensure you carry the correct kit for the trip and be familiar with the accepted river signals.

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