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Lakeland Canoe Club

SEA KAYAKING – THE FAR NORTH OF SCOTLAND – CAPE WRATH (May suit good intermediate paddlers)


Event details

  1. Event co-ordinator & leader – Pete Riley
  2. Trip type: Sea
  3. Level of ability: Intermediate / Advanced
  4. Date: Saturday 13th May to Saturday 20th May. Travelling up on the Saturday.
  5. Venue: Plan A – Cape Wrath.

Initially due to go open boating in Sweden, the plan has changed radically! The broad plan is to travel to the far NW of Scotland and do predominantly day trips, but we might also do overnight stops so be prepared for 2 or 3 nights camping wild.

Plan A is to round Cape Wrath, which can be done in a day, however it lends itself to a longer trip. There are plenty more tasty options in the far north, which we will choose as weather conditions permit. Plan B will be to find an alternative weather system if the far North weather isn’t kind.

Whilst we will potentially be operating in ‘Advanced’ territory, we will only set sail if there is good assurance of calm, so this trip may suit confident ‘Intermediate’ paddlers. As always, we will paddle as a team, taking joint responsibility for each other’s safety on the water.

If you are in doubt about your suitability, please give me a call.

Please read notes re trips here:

Or sea trips here: https://lakelandcanoeclub.wordpress.com/trips/

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