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Lakeland Canoe Club

Alpine trip planning event

Event details

A chance for as many people as possible who are interested in the Alpine trip to Briancon in June (see calendar)

to paddle together and have a face to face meeting to plan the event.


  1. Event co-ordinator.  Pete Button
  2. Trip leader(s).           Pete Button
  3. Trip type: river / social
  4. Level of ability: / advanced
  5. Date.  12th Feb
  6. Venue.        I’m going to plan for the river race section of the Tees, as there is usually water.
  7.                     If there are good levels, maybe The Rawthey or Clough or Sprint (which would make it an advanced trip.
  8. Meet location / time:  arranged by WhatsApp 8.00 am on the day
  9. Meet to share lifts at: TBA
  10. Anything else anyone who can’t make it share your ideas on the Alpine WhatsApp group the week before.

Please read notes re river trips here: https://lakelandcanoeclub.wordpress.com/river-trips/

Or sea trips here: https://lakelandcanoeclub.wordpress.com/trips/

The trip will be led by a BC qualified or an LCC approved leader, however we will paddle as a team taking joint responsibility for each other’s safety on the water.

Please ensure you carry the correct kit for the trip you are attending.

RSVP at least 2 days before the event

Guests by arrangement with organiser, prior to trip only.


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