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14 January 2023, 09:00 AM
Event created by Chris Dale
1. Event co-ordinator: Chris Dale
2. Trip Leader leader: Chris Dale
3. Trip type: white water river for kayaks: which one will be decided on the day after assessing the rainfall
4. Level of ability : intermediate: competent at grade 3 (4)
5. Date: saturday 14/01/2022
6. Venue :TBC
7. Meet location / time : TBC
8. Meet to share lifts at: Arrange on the morning
9. Anything else: open to suggestions and may cancel depending on rainfall
Please read notes re trips here:
I am happy to co-ordinate and lead the trip. However, as we will be a team, we are jointly responsible for each other’s safety on the water.
Please ensure you carry the correct kit for the trip you are attending.
Whatsapp group will be set up before hand, please check around 8am on Saturday morning for river decision.
RSVP at least by Friday 8pm before the event
If I haven't paddled with you before please contact me to discuss (via WhatsApp: I'm in LCC River Kayaking number ending 785)
Guests by arrangement with organiser, prior to trip only
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