This event began 01/31/2023 and repeats every week on Tuesday for 1 occurrence
Sea-kayak navigation for beginners.
A series of 2 x 2 hrs sessions to be held at Kendal Leisure Centre. The course fee of £10 per person (=2x £5 ppps) will cover the cost of Leisure Centre room hire for both sessions.
Tuesday 31st Jan 2023 at 19.00-21.00
Tuesday 7th Feb 2023 at 19.00-21.00
So as to maximise opportunities for club members please only sign up if you are certain you can attend both sessions.
No previous experience of sea-kayak navigation required or necessary.
Outline general format for the 2 sessions as follows…
deck-top navigation equipment,
direction and terminology: bearing, course over ground, track, course to steer, drift, heading,
scales nM, km, M, distance and speed,
charts vs. maps,
position fixing and transits,
tides and tidal streams,
simple pilotage
passage planning,
linear trips inshore
<5km crossings
In session 2 we'll work towards planning trips that you'd eventually like to do (bring along OS 1:50000 maps of these areas).
The signing on process is as follows ...
RSVP on the calendar in the usual way.
Pay £10 to the LCC account using sort code 204528 with account number 80558613 using reference SKN2023/1-2 and your initials - e.g. SKN2023/1-2/AM (Andy Murphy)
When your name appears on the RSVP list and you have paid LCC, send your email address to me at and I'll send out additional information (en-bloc) towards the middle of January 2023.
Some items will be required for this course : Silva type mountaineering compass, hard copy 2023 tide tables for Dover, Liverpool, Greenock, Oban and Ullapool, ( , OS Map number 62, pencil and ruler. More information to follow by email in mid-Jan.