8. No shuttle but we will have to move the cars to car park from beach (about 500 meters)
9.Anything else:
The aim is to have a sociable paddle with a picnic - don't forget your butties. We should see some wintering birds. I’ll bring some Ravenglass Seaquest maps for information.
This trip will be about 4 hours with tidal assistance for most of the way.
This trip is weather dependant so if the forecast is unfavourable (greater than 20mph gusts) the trip may be rescheduled. I will post the decision on here the night before at latest.
On Tuesday 21st February: Tide height is high at about about 9.8m Aim to be on the water at10:15 (about2 hours before high tide - HW Barrow is about12.06 BST)) We will arrive back at Ravenglass before14:30 (little water and lots of mud 2 hours after high tide) Sea kayaks / Touring Kayaks. Please read notes re trips here: https://lakelandcanoeclub.wordpress.com/trips/
We are am happy to co-ordinate and lead the trip. However, as we will be a team, we are jointly responsible for each other’s safety on the water.
Please ensure you carry the correct kit for the trip you are attending.
Winter series, mid-week sea kayak paddles by MSu - details to follow
Tuesdays-fortnightly Tuesday 10 January plus 29/30 Jan - Tyne Tour - separate event on calendar
Tuesday 21st and 28th February
Tuesday 14th and 28th March
We are happy to co-ordinate and lead the trip for 10 paddlers and more if I have another leader. However, as we will be a team, we are jointly responsible for one another’s safety on the water.
Please ensure you carry the correct kit for the trip – plenty of food and drink to share.