4. Meet 7.45 a.m. ready to be on water by 8.00a.m. Estimated trip duration 3.5 hours on the water.
5. Trip leader: Mike Hayward
6. Any special notes: Tidal height is 10.04m with HW at 11.58
All types of closed cockpit kayaks welcome. We will paddle out into Morecambe bay, ( downstream) then be brought back by incoming tide ( downstream) bore wave is expected. Depending on channel depths you may need to drag your boats for a short distance if channel are shallow.
We will paddle out into the bay and meet the bore wave. Very good chance of getting a surfable wave.
We will finish back at Arnside at 11.00 approximately.
Those intending to ride the bore wave wave should be confident in their roll. Otherwise be prepared to sit behind the wave and follow it in. Not suitable for novices.
If conditions are suiatble we may continue up the Estuary which will mean a later finish.