An Opportunity to meet up on the water and explore sea kayak assisted and self rescues. We could also look at some towing options if people are interested
1. Event co-ordinator Sten Sture
2. Trip Leader leader Rachel Powell
3. Trip type:Sea kayak rescue training (well lake really)
The loose plan is to go for a short paddle to warm up and loosen off, spend as long as we need doing dry stuff (towing etc). have a break then do some wet stuff. Bring a flask and a sandwich along with calm weather and sunshine.
Bring any gear you want to practice / experiment with. Tow lines, contact tow systems, paddle floats etc, bring a pump if you have one.
Getting wet is not mandatory, you can still come and learn through observation.
Please dress warm.
A dry suit is recommended. If you don't have a dry suit bring your normal paddling gear and if you want to have a practice do so just before we get off the water.
I will open the calendar for booking on Saturday 19th March with a limit of 8 participants.