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Lakeland Canoe Club

Sea Kayak Rescue Practice


Event details

An Opportunity to meet up on the water and explore sea kayak assisted and self rescues. We could also look at some towing options if people are interested

1. Event co-ordinator Sten Sture

2. Trip Leader leader Rachel Powell

3. Trip type: Sea kayak rescue training (well lake really)

4. Level of ability : All

5. Date: Saturday 26th March

6. Venue : Brown Howe Coniston Water

7. Meet location / time : Meet at laybys just north of Brown Howe http://streetmap.co.uk/map?X=329102&Y=491282&A=Y&Z=120 with a fall back option of using the pay and display carpark 09:30 

8. Meet to arrange shuttle: No Shuttle

9. Anything else: 

The loose plan is to go for a short paddle to warm up and loosen off, spend as long as we need doing dry stuff (towing etc). have a break then do some wet stuff. Bring a flask and a sandwich along with calm weather and sunshine.

Bring any gear you want to practice / experiment with. Tow lines, contact tow systems, paddle floats etc, bring a pump if you have one.

Getting wet is not mandatory, you can still come and learn through observation.

Please dress warm.

A dry suit is recommended. If you don't have a dry suit bring your normal paddling gear and if you want to have a practice do so just before we get off the water.

I will open the calendar for booking on Saturday 19th March with a limit of 8 participants.

Sea kayaks. 

Please read notes re trips here:


I am happy to co-ordinate and lead the trip. However, as we will be a team, we are jointly responsible for each other’s safety on the water.

Please ensure you carry the correct kit for the trip you are attending.

RSVP at least 2 days before the event

Recommended Comments

For assisted rescues I find the heel hook the quickest and easiest technique. Gordon Brown's video on You Tube is my go to reference. Yu can se the video here. Not essential viewing but it may be helpful.


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Apologies sadly I have had to pull out at the last minute. There is a vast amount of experience within this group to share. Rachel has kindly agreed to coordinate the day.

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