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Lakeland Canoe Club

Through Kendal

Event details

1500 Mint to Kent confluence is scrape in places. Kent is low, just passable.  Event confirmed if you choose not to attend please remove RSVP. Otherwise see you at rugby club at 1600 or before.

Some overnight rain , at 0900 Kent is low but paddleable. No more rain forecast. if water stays similar we are good to go. Will update again at 15.00.

Club Lead  trip

1. Event co-ordinator Mike Hayward

2. Trip Leader leader Mike Hayward

3. Trip type: river 

4. Level of ability :  improver or better  kayak or open canoe

5. Date: Monday 9th August

6. Venue : Kendal Rugby Club

7. Meet location / time : 16.00

8. Meet to share lifts at: will sort shuttle out from Rugby club 

9. Anything else: 

Trip will take about 1.5 hours from rugby club through town to scroggs Weir, and involve some grade 2 rapids and one portage of a weir in town.The trip will only be possible if the river level stays sufficiently high  TBC here Monday morning at 9.15 a.m.

Please read notes re river trips here:


I am happy to co-ordinate and lead the trip. However, as we will be a team, we are jointly responsible for each other’s safety on the water.

Please ensure you carry the correct kit for the trip you are attending.

RSVP at least the evening before.

Guests by arrangement with organiser, prior to trip only.




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